Let’s Talk

Packaging Machinery Concepts Ltd. provides businesses with cutting-edge packaging and handling solutions.

icon_widget_image (905) 212-7046 icon_widget_image info@pmcltd.ca icon_widget_image 939 Matheson Boulevard East Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 2R7 icon_widget_image Monday-Friday: 7:30am to 5:00pm, Weekends: available on call

Packaging Services

Best-in-class packaging service and parts
How We Can Help

Our Packaging

  • Catalogue packaging equipment solutions – distributors of more than eight north American equipment manufacturers
  • Conceive, refine, design and build custom equipment – we design with SolidWorks 2018
  • Packaging line audit and observation – our solutions involve actual site specific CAD layouts showing equipment positioned precisely relative to existing line data and facility constraints.

The PMC Benefit

What We Offer

Next Level Packaging Services

  • Ministry of Labour ‘PSR’ assistance, consulting and implementation
  • Custom designs, catalogue equipment, parts, service and maintenance.
  • Refurbish, repair and modify old equipment.

Our approach to implementing a packaging line solution is:


Determine the project goal and develop a clear understanding of constraints which may be fiscal, facility, product or personnel related, safety, ergonnomic or speed.

Observe the line in motion, measure and measure some more, question operators, maintenance personnel, and other stakeholders that must work with the equipment daily – their insight is invaluable.

Develop a proposed solution that will probably include an actual CAD plant layout of the pertinent area and provide a fully detailed proposal.

Confirm that proposed solution meets all constraints and satisfies the project goal(s). If not, revise as necessary. The greater the number of constraints and goals, the greater the chance that the solution becomes evolutionary.This process leads to a better final result.


Install system and train staff.

Still Have More Questions? Let’s Talk

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