- Seal style: 3/8″ wide hermetic smokeless and odourless seal.
- Seal band: 1″ wide X 40″ long x 8 mil., heavy duty Teflon sealing bands with reinforced butt splice.
- Materials accepted: Polyethylene, polypropylene, Tyvek, Poly Mylar, foil/PE, Cryovac, Co-extrusions, nylon, and polylaminates.
- Frame: Mounted on swivel base designed for sealing from vertical to 45-degree position.
- Sealing assembly: Chrome plated brass seal bar assemblies with a post nickel plated cooling section. Heating section consists of a 5″ long rear bar with a 305 W element and two 2-1/2″ long front bars each with a 125 W element. Uses heavy duty 6 mil thickness Teflon bands, left and right to isolate the substrate to be sealed from the sealing bars. Driven by a discrete Bodine AC synchronous gear motor from a KB Electronics AC drive.
- Bag transport: One set of 1″ wide Teflon bands are responsible for transporting the bag through the sealer.
- Speed: Up to 45 fpm with ultra quiet AC gear motor.
- Digital temperature control with PID auto-tune maintains consistent heat and assures quality hermetic seals with temperatures up to 450 degrees +/- 2 degrees Fahrenheit
- Air supply: No compressed air required.
- Compatibility: Designed to operate as a standalone unit with SBP bag loaders.
- Approval(s): USDA. All electrical components are UL approved. Electrical Safety Authority (or equivalent) approval is included.
- Chrome plated sealing assemblies followed by nickel plated cooling section.
- Anodized aluminum chassis sealing assembly.
- Stainless steel shafting throughout.
- Preheat design on Smokeless and odourless models thus eliminating warm up time.
Electrical Requirements:
120 volt, 1 amp, 1 phase, 60 cycle
- One or two line embossing coder for product marking is available upon request.
- Product justification carry shelf.
- Pressure rollers to replace cooling bars for side gusset bags.
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