- Seal style:
- 1/8″ wide hermetic, smokeless and odourless seal.
- 1/4″ wide hermetic, smokeless and odourless seal.
- 3/8″ wide hermetic, smokeless and odourless seal.
- Seal band: 1″ wide X 40″ long x 8 mil., heavy duty Teflon sealing bands with reinforced butt splice.
- Materials accepted: Polyethylene, polypropylene, Tyvek, Poly Mylar, foil/PE, Cryovac, Co-extrusions, nylon, and polylaminates.
- Frame: Mounted on 4 ft high stand that allows for adjustable sealing height.
- Sealing drive: Heavy duty gears and stainless-steel shafting throughout.
- Sealing assembly: Chrome plated brass seal bar assemblies with a post nickel plated cooling section. Heating section consists of a 5″ long rear bar with a 305 W element and two 2-1/2″ long front bars each with a 125 W element. Uses heavy duty 6 mil thickness Teflon bands, left and right to isolate the substrate to be sealed from the sealing bars.
- Bag transport: One set of ½” wide urethane belts located below the seal bands is responsible for positively transporting the bag through the sealer.
- Temperature control: Digital readout temperature controller with maximum temperature of 500 degrees F and repeatability of +/- 2 degrees.
- Scrap removal: Not applicable
- Trim: Not applicable.
- Speed: Up to 45 fpm with ultra quiet AC gear motor.
- Air supply: No compressed air required.
- Compatibility: Designed to operate with SBP bag loaders or standalone.
- Approval(s): USDA. All electrical components are UL approved. Electrical Safety Authority approval is included.
- Accurate digital temperature controller maintains +/- 2 degrees temperature with 500-degree F maximum.
- Preheat design on Smokeless and odourless models thus eliminating warm up time.
Welded heavy duty chassis steel construction. Stainless steel shafting and heavy duty gearing in the belt drive assemblies. All covers are stainless steel.
Electrical Requirements:
120 volt, 1 amp, 1 phase, 60 cycle
- One or two line embossing coder for product marking.
- Wing infeed guides.
- Product counters.
- Mirror image (left to right flow).
- Stainless steel stand.
- Crank handle adjustable sealing height.
- 240 volt supply.
- Casters
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